8 min read
Yes, zakat is due again on savings from the previous year, even if Zakat has already been paid on those savings.
Zakat is an annual obligation, and each year, on your zakat anniversary, you need to reassess your zakatable assets and pay zakat on the current value. This means that if your savings have increased or changed, zakat must be calculated again based on the total value at that time.
Here’s a clearer breakdown:
Lunar Year 1
Lunar Year 2
In this example, even though you paid zakat on the savings from the previous year, you must recalculate the zakat each year. The new total amount for Year 2 is higher, so the zakat due for Year 2 is greater as well.
And Allah knows best!
Atta-ur-Rehman, a specialist in Fiqh from Fazal-Jamiat-ul-Uloom-ul-Shariah, Jama'at ul-Umar Karachi, is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. His expertise spans various aspects of Shariah, including Zakat, financial rulings, family laws, and ethical guidance in everyday life. With a deep understanding of Islamic principles, he provides a reliable insights into matters of faith, worship, and personal obligations.