8 min read
Yes, It is permissible to give your Zakat to a coworker, as long as they are eligible to receive it.
Zakat is meant for those who are in need, and if your coworker is struggling financially, and their salary is not enough to meet their and their family’s basic needs, then they can be recipients of your Zakat.
In the Quran, Allah outlines the categories of people who are entitled to receive Zakat(Masarif-e-Zakat).
He (Subhan Taala) says:
“Zakat (Sadaqaat) is only for the poor (Fuqaraa’), the needy (Al-Masaakeen), those employed to collect it, to attract the hearts of those inclined towards Islam, to free captives, those in debt, for Allah’s cause (such as those fighting in a holy battle), and for travelers who are stranded and in need. This is a duty prescribed by Allah, who is All-Knowing and All-Wise.”
[Surah Al-Tawbah 9:60]
As long as your coworker falls into one of these categories, there is nothing wrong with giving them your Zakat.
However, it is important to note that the intention behind giving Zakat should be purely to help those in need, and not for any other reason.
For example, it would not be appropriate to give Zakat to a coworker if it is meant to serve the interests of your employer. This could include situations where the employer forces employees to work beyond what was agreed upon or denies them their rights. In such cases, the Zakat is given to make up for that unfair treatment.
You should only give Zakat to your coworkers if they are genuinely in need. It should not be intended to compensate for any unfair work conditions or rights violations. If they are not working but have savings above the Nisab threshold, they are not eligible for Zakat.
And Allah knows best!
Atta-ur-Rehman, a specialist in Fiqh from Fazal-Jamiat-ul-Uloom-ul-Shariah, Jama'at ul-Umar Karachi, is an expert in Islamic jurisprudence. His expertise spans various aspects of Shariah, including Zakat, financial rulings, family laws, and ethical guidance in everyday life. With a deep understanding of Islamic principles, he provides a reliable insights into matters of faith, worship, and personal obligations.