13 min read
It is believed that the incident of Al-Isra and Al-Miraj occurred on the 27th Rajab.
However, there is no authentic narration to support this claim, and the prevailing view is that these events took place in Rabi' al-Awwal. Despite this, many Muslims celebrate the night of the 27th Rajab with special worship, which is an innovation lacking support from the early generations of Islam.
Let’s explore what the Night Journey of the Prophet (PBUH) is and why it is important to Muslims.
The important event of Al-Isra and Mairaj happened a year before the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) moved to Madinah. This occurred after the Year of Sadness when he lost both his wife Khadijah (RA) and his uncle Abu Talib.
Aisha (RA) narrates that the obligation of prayer was established during Al-Mi'raj, hinting at its timing. The journey served to comfort the Prophet after enduring significant trials, including ridicule and persecution in Taif.
When facing hardships, we can find inspiration in the Prophet's (PBUH) strength. Even though He (PBUH) experienced great losses and many challenges, he stayed strong in his faith in Allah's plan and kept working on his mission. His patience and understanding were rewarded with the Night Journey.
During this journey, He (PBUH) led the other Prophets in prayer and was given a special place in the heavens. This teaches us that Allah's plans are always for our good, even if we don't understand them. As long as we stay dedicated to our responsibilities to Him, we can trust His wisdom.
The following are the reasons behind the prophetic night journey:
During the miraculous events of Al-Isra and Al-Mi'raj, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) saw amazing things, including scenes from heaven and hell. He also witnessed visions of the past, the future, and other phenomena beyond human understanding.
This journey underscores Allah's ultimate power, as all elements of space, time, and distance submit to Him. The Prophet (PBUH) was taken on this night journey while fully awake. He (PBUH) was elevated to the heavens, where he conversed with Allah and received the command for the five daily prayers.
Isra refers to the "nocturnal journey," stemming from the Arabic root word (sara), which means "to travel at night."
In this context, it specifically describes the night journey of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) from his birthplace in Mecca. This journey took him to the farthest mosque, Al-Aqsa, in Jerusalem.
Miraj is an Arabic term meaning "ladder," "to elevate," or "to ascend."In Islamic literature, it refers to the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). During this journey, he was taken to the presence of Allah, The Almighty, in Heaven.
This event is considered one of the major miracles of the Prophet (PBUH). It represents the second phase of his journey, which faced significant skepticism from the Arab polytheists of that era.
There is plenty of evidence in Islamic scripture, including the Quran and prophetic narrations known as Ahadith. This evidence serves as clear proof that the event truly occurred. It shows that it was not just a fanciful dream or an interpretation of the messenger of Allah.
The Prophet Muhammad PBUH was resting in Umm Hani's home when Angel Jibreel AS opened the roof and took him to the Ka’bah. There, his chest was opened, and his heart was washed with Zamzam water, filling it with wisdom and belief.
This was the second time his chest had been opened, the first being in his childhood under Haleemah's care. A white animal called Buraq was brought for the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). It was larger than a donkey but smaller than a mule, symbolizing high speed and honor.
The Prophet PBUH is said to have made stops at Madinah, Mount Sinai, and Bethlehem, where he prayed. The locations symbolize significant events related to previous Prophets. As they entered Jerusalem, the Prophet PBUH saw the grave of Prophet Musa AS, who was praying in his grave.
During the journey, Allah enabled the Prophet PBUH to see the world as an old woman adorned with jewelry, signifying its fleeting nature. Upon reaching Bayt al-Maqdis, Jibreel pointed to a rock where the Buraq was tied.
In Bayt al-Maqdis, the Prophet PBUH found all the Prophets assembled and led them in prayer, indicating the continuity of Prophethood and the importance of salah.
The Prophet was presented with two vessels: one containing wine and the other containing milk. He chose milk, which showed his guidance in line with his natural disposition.
The time had come for Al-Mairaj or the Ascension. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) described many aspects of his journey, including detailed accounts of the Buraq. However, he did not provide specifics about the actual mechanism of the Mairaj.
No credible accounts exist that describe phenomena like ladders coming down from the heavens. As Muslims, we believe in the physical occurrence of this event without questioning how it happened.
We acknowledge that Allah is All-Powerful and capable of anything. If knowing the specifics were beneficial, Allah would have informed us. This principle should guide our understanding of all matters.
It is commonly thought that the rock within the Dome of the Rock is the point from which Prophet Muhammad ascended to the heavens. However, this belief lacks authentic evidence.
Muslims who visited Jerusalem during the time of the Rightly Guided Caliphs did not honor this rock or attribute any special virtue to it.
This was also the case during the reign of Mu’awiyyah and the generations of his (Tabiun) successors, as well as the followers known as Atba at-Tabi’un. It was only during the time of Caliph Abdul Malik ibn Marwan that people began to venerate it.
The first piece of evidence comes from the Quran, specifically Chapter 17, Verse 1 (Surah Isra):
"Glory be to Him who took His servant by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose surroundings We have blessed, to show him some of Our signs. Indeed, He alone is the All-Hearing, the All-Seeing."
(Qur’an 17:1)
The second piece of evidence is also from the Quran, found in Surah Najm, Chapter 53, Verses 5 to 18.
However, this reference subtly points to the second phase, Al-Mi'raj. In contrast, the first phase, surah al-Isra, is clearly and explicitly detailed in the first evidence.
The three things that could represent what Allah refers to in Ayah 18 of Surah an-Najm, He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs, are:
Following are hadith depicting what happened on the night of Ascension:
"Angel Jibreel AS washed his blessed heart with Zamzam, filled it with wisdom and belief, and placed it back."
(Sahih al-Bukhari: 1636)
"The Buraq's step was so wide that it reached the farthest point that the eye could reach."
(Sahih Muslim: 164a)
"He said, ‘Dismount and pray,’ so I did that... You have prayed in Taibah, which will be the place of the migration."
(Sunan an-Nasa'i: 450)
"I passed by Musa during my night journey near the red mound; he was praying in his grave."
(Sahih Muslim: 2375a)
"Jibreel pointed with his finger causing a crack in the rock, and he tied the Buraq to it."
(Jami at-Tirmidhi: 3132)
"Then I found myself among a group of the Prophets, and the time for prayer came, so I led them in prayer."
(Sahih Muslim: 172)
"Two cups were offered to the Prophet PBUH, one containing milk and the other wine, and he chose the milk).”
(Sahih al-Bukhari: 4709)
"I entered the masjid and prayed two rak’at in it, and then came out."
Let’s reflect on the wisdom behind why the Prophet PBUH met certain Prophets at each level during his journey:
Prophet Adam AS – As the first human created, he should be the first Prophet to greet Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Just as Adam AS was expelled from Paradise, he later returned. Similarly, the Prophet (PBUH) faced expulsion from Makkah but would return victorious.
Prophet Isa and Yahya – They were closest in time to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Both faced persecution and threats of death, similar to the trials faced by the Prophet (PBUH) from his nation.
This persecution began with the Quraysh in Makkah and continued later with certain groups in Madinah.
Prophet Yusuf – He was rejected by his family and endured years of hardship before being elevated to power. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) faced rejection from his people but eventually saw Islam triumph and Makkah conquered.
Like Yusuf AS, the Prophet (PBUH) forgave those who wronged him, quoting Yusuf's words:
"No blame will there be upon you today. May Allah forgive you!"
Prophet Idrees – Allah elevated him to a high status. This is similar to how He raised the rank and reputation of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in the Qur'an.
Prophet Harun –Initially rejected by his people, he was later accepted. This reflects Prophet Muhammad's (PBUH) journey, who faced rejection before his message was embraced.
Prophet Musa – His struggles with Bani Israel closely mirror those of Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Both had to lead large nations, deal with challenging people, and convey divine laws.
Prophet Ibrahim – As the Khaleel (close friend) of Allah, Ibrahim occupies the highest level. Similarly, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) would also become Allah’s Khaleel. He said, “Indeed, Allah took me as a Khaleel just as He took Ibrahim as a Khaleel.”
The Prophet (PBUH) described reaching Sidratul-Muntaha, a Lote Tree surrounded by incredible colors. He also entered Paradise, where he saw pearls and earth that smelled like musk.
At Sidratul-Muntaha, he witnessed the hidden and visible rivers and Al-Bayt Al-Ma'mur. When presented with containers of wine, milk, and honey, the Prophet PBUH chose the milk, symbolizing divine guidance.
Following this powerful story, the Night of Ascension was filled with other significant incidents. These events further highlighted the miraculous nature of this occasion and imparted profound lessons to the believers.
In a narration, the Prophet (PBUH) mentioned,
“Then Jibreel ascended with me to a place where I heard the sound of the pens writing.”
It’s significant and insightful to take a moment to understand the concept of the writing of the pen. It also helps to explore the different types of Divine Decrees.
Allah has the power to alter or confirm what He wills, and all are recorded in the Mother of the Book (Surah ar-Ra’d: 39).
There are different types of Decrees (Qadr) that are written by the pens, and they include:
It is impossible to make any changes to this book, as it reflects Allah’s eternal knowledge. This is also called Iradah Qawniyyah Qadariyyah.
Ibn al-Qayyim described it as
“the pre-existent measure according to the knowledge of Allah.”
During the miraculous journey of Al-Mairaj, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) reached a point where Angel Jibreel (AS) could not proceed. At this moment, the Prophet (PBUH) was honored with a private audience with Allah.
Although details of this meeting remain unknown, the greatest gift received was the obligation of prayer. Initially, fifty prayers were prescribed.
However, upon the advice of Prophet Musa (AS), the number was reduced to five while retaining the reward of fifty. This emphasizes the significance of Salah as the core of a Muslim's life and devotion.
The majority of scholars agree that Prophet Muhammad PBUH did not see Allah during Al-Miraj. When asked, the Prophet (PBUH) responded, “(He is) Light; how could I see Him?” (Muslim).
Aishah RA affirmed that no one has seen Allah, citing Quranic verses to support this claim. This consensus is also reinforced by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim RA.
During Al-Mi’raj, the Prophet (PBUH met with Prophets Ibrahim, Musa, and Isa. They discussed the Day of Judgment. Prophet Isa AS provided insight into the events leading to it, including the coming of Ya'juj and Ma'juj.
Only Allah knows the exact timing of the Hour. However, the discussion highlights the collaboration between the Prophets in understanding divine matters.
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also met Malik, the gatekeeper of Hell. This meeting, either at Masjid al-Aqsa or during the ascension, signifies the immense honor of the Prophet (PBUH). Contrary to misconceptions, the Prophet PBUH did not enter or approach Hell. He (PBUH) is far removed from the abode of evildoers.
Various accounts describe what the Prophet (PBUH) saw during his ascension. He witnessed the splendor of Paradise but did not enter it, nor did he enter Hell, as he is the best of creation.
Anas ibn Malik RA narrated that while in Paradise, the Prophet saw a river with banks of hollow pearls. This river was identified as al-Kawthar, a gift from Allah. He also heard Bilal's footsteps in Paradise, learning that Bilal would pray after performing ablution.
During his ascent, the Prophet (PBUH) observed punishments in Hell, such as people scratching their faces with copper nails for backbiting, those punished for stealing orphans’ money, and others for engaging in illicit relations.
Angel Jibreel explained that the latter group chose rotten meat over what was pure, symbolizing their sinful choices.
After returning to Makkah, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) talked about his experiences, even though Umm Hani advised him not to.
When confronted by Abu Jahl, who sought to humiliate him, the Prophet (PBUH) confirmed that he had journeyed to Jerusalem and back in one night.
To challenge his account, a skeptical man from Quraysh asked him to describe Bayt Al-Maqdis. The Prophet accurately detailed it, which impressed some witnesses.
Despite the Prophet’s (PBUH) accurate descriptions and confirmation from caravan members, many still rejected his claims. Abu Bakr RA defended the Prophet, affirming his truthfulness and earning the title As-Siddiq for his unwavering faith.
The 27th Rajab is commonly celebrated as the date of the Isra' wal-Mi'raj. However, no authentic narrations pinpoint it to any specific date or month.
What remains clear is that the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) experienced a profound spiritual journey. This journey culminated in his receiving the command for the five daily prayers.
In conclusion, it is to be believed that the Night Journey and Ascension of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) occurred on the 27th Rajab. But the date and even month is not certain. This remarkable event was not only a physical journey but also a significant spiritual experience.
During this divine encounter, the Prophet (PBUH) met other prophets, received the gift of Salah (prayer) and milk, and glimpsed Hell and Heaven. He (PBUH) gained insights into the Day of Judgment and the concept of Taqdeer (divine fate).
Ultimately, He (PBUH) ascended to the highest heaven, a place even angels could not reach. There, Allah (SWT) drew him close, highlighting the profound connection between the Creator and His beloved Prophet (PBUH).
Ali Raza (Islamic Jurisprudence)
Ali Raza holds a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies and is an expert in Islamic theology and jurisprudence. Specializing in Zakat, Sadaqah, and other Islamic donations, Ali's writings provide valuable insights into the religious and ethical aspects of charity. His work for Pakistan Sweet Homes aims to educate and inspire readers to support orphan care and charitable initiatives, making him a key contributor to the organization's mission.
Ali Raza holds a Master of Arts in Islamic Studies and is an expert in Islamic theology and jurisprudence. Specializing in Zakat, Sadaqah, and other Islamic donations, Ali's writings provide valuable insights into the religious and ethical aspects of charity. His work for Pakistan Sweet Homes aims to educate and inspire readers to support orphan care and charitable initiatives, making him a key contributor to the organization's mission.
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